Strategische Verandering voor IiPUK

Ik sprak hier al eerder over het, voor de Ontwikkeling van het het Britse Koninkrijk, essentiële Leitch Report.

Eén van de aanbevelingen uit het Report, Ontwikkelingen van Mensen & Organisaties zien als een aparte Verantwoordelijkheid, leidde in maart van dit jaar tot de instelling van de UK Commission for Employment and Skills:

“Our ambition is to benefit employers, individuals and government by advising how improved employment and skills systems can help the UK become a world-class leader in productivity, in employment and in having a fair and inclusive society: all this in the context of a fast-changing global economy.”

Een volgende stap in dit proces is dat Investors in People UK nu onderdeel wordt van deze UKCES.

“Responsibility for the Investors in People (IIP) standard will be passed from Government to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) placing it at the heart of business, Skills Secretary John Denham announced today.

Mr Denham said;

“I am pleased that the UK Commission for Employment and Skills will be taking on the role of championing and developing the Investors in People standard. It will be working to make sure that the standard continues to prosper. IIP is a highly effective approach to improving performance through people, and I believe strongly that organisations of all sizes and sectors should take the time to appraise what the framework can do for them.”

Een slimme zet dus deze samenvoeging, om de Britse economie, ondanks de CRISIS, er zo snel mogelijk weer bovenop te krijgen door een focus op het IiP Model!

Hoe zei Lord Leitch dat ook al weer?

“The remit of the UK Commission for Employment and skills is to provide vigorous and independent challenge, advising government at the highest levels across the UK on employment and skills strategy, targets, policies and progress towards the challenging competitiveness goals set by Lord Leitch, including the vision of an 80% employment rate by 2020. It has already been asked by the government to report on crucial issues, such as the employability skills employers need for future economic success, how UK employers can use skills to become more globally competitive, and whether further institutional change is required to deliver better integrated employment and skills services.”

Iets voor onze Economie, zo’n Focus op Ontwikkeling?

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