Leren Evalueren: wat leveren al die investeringen nu op?

Ik heb hier al ‘ooit eerder’ ‘iets’ geschreven over Evalueren. Hoe kan het ook anders na al die jaren. Over het Evalueren van de Inspanning (c.q. Commitment!) die een organisatie zich levert bij de Ontwikkeling van haar Medewerkers.

Deze keer heb ik een citaat uit het IiPUK artikel Employee Development. Wie weet haal je er nog tips uit!

"Evaluation and return

Evaluation techniques provide a framework for assessing whether the employee development strategy has been successfully implemented and met the objectives. Evaluation usually occurs at the end of the training cycle, once the training or development programme has been implemented. However, evaluation should occur at every stage of the cycle to ensure that processes used at each stage produce outcomes, which can reliably, feed into the next stage of the training cycle.

It can be difficult to evaluate the transfer of learning and real return on investment that an employee development or training programme has had. This is especially true where softer skills such as behavioural characteristics are being developed. A variety of methods, outlined below, are in use. Businesses should select the most appropriate.Evaluation Application


  • ‘Happy sheets’ Happy sheets will test immediate levels of customer satisfaction to a learning event. This often entails a questionnaire which looks at satisfaction with the learning venue, facilities, course arrangements etc.
  • Post-training feedback Direct line managers can request feedback from learners. Interviews should focus on ways of transferring learning to the workplace and the overall impression of the training experience.
  • Ongoing monitoring To check progress of trainees, performance of trainers, time-keeping and appropriateness of the course design.
  • Learning logs These can be kept by learners to help them reflect on the relevance of their learning and progress made.
  • Testing skills/competency behaviours A form of individual assessment against performance, knowledge or competency standards.
  • Personal development plans (PDP) or continuing professional development plans (CPD) Evaluating learning outcomes against PDP/CPD objectives and to inform further development planning"

& Menig organisatie maar denken dat zij er al zijn, met hun POP’s……..

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